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All the Good Stuff Comes from Leaping- Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a big guy in the Internet world and someone that I totally respect. He shares his wisdom in short snippets over on his blog and one that I read the other day was “But How Can You be Sure?” The quote I liked best was at the end, “All the good stuff comes from leaping. From doing the things that might now work.” That made me think about my life and how…

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2 Charities I can Trust

One of the best things about making far more money than I need each month is having enough to share with people or animals in need. I’m a big believer in the idea that if you are generous and help others, it will come back to you eventually (not necessarily in a monetary way), one way or another and that the universe has a way of working all that out. Here are two charities I…

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