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YOU are taking a vacation?

As I exercise, I listen to podcasts and once of my favorite financial ones is Suze Orman, author of The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke. She takes calls on her show from people who have serious financial problems, but are quite often in just as serious denial. Examples of the Financial Crazy 1. Someone has $60,000 in credit card debt, but they just leased a $20,000 car. 2. Another person is struggling…

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Investing Books for Beginners: My Recommendations

If you’re new to the investing world, it can be a bit overwhelming to get started on the path towards financial freedom. There are plenty of helpful blogs out there, such as Mr. Money Mustache, Wise Bread, or The Simple Dollar but it can be difficult to get the “big picture” while you’re scrolling around from post to post at random. It’s perhaps a much better choice to read a book because you get the…

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