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Bad into Good- A Story from Work


Turning Bad into Good- Work Style

Turning Bad into Good-Work Style

What Happened

I’ve been working at South Korean universities for the past decade or so and during that time, I’ve always taught extra classes for more money. My contract currently is only for 9 teaching hours/week, so I’ve usually added on another 10-15 to substantially raise my pay. However, this past semester all the extra work seemed to dry up and I was left with almost nothing in terms of overtime.

My Initial Reaction

At first, I was kind of upset about the whole thing since I was taking a substantial pay cut. And I was a bit angry too, wondering how this all went down.

Upon Second Thought

However, as time went on, I realized that it was actually a huge opportunity for me to have plenty of free time to build my Internet empire in preparation for my return to Canada in about 8 months from now. Time spent building additional passive income streams was time well spent, even if my income went down a little bit in the short-term.

How I used my Time- Bad into Good!

Books– This one published on Amazon: 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Speaking Activities: For Teenagers and Adults.

Plus, there are 2 more coming out within the next month.

I also spent some time upgrading the covers and author profiles, etc. for my previous 2, as well as doing some guest posts to promote them.

Websites– I spent a lot of time building this website: ESL Speaking and getting lots of content on there. It’s huge for getting subscribers to my email list.

I also began the process of moving one of my old Blogspot blogs over to a self-hosted website. My Life! Teaching in a Korean University.

Email List– All the gurus like Pat Flynn over at Smart Passive Income talk extensively about the importance of an email list. I FINALLY set mine up and put a lot of time into building an auto-responder series with MailChimp.

(if you’re an English teacher, you might be interested in joining!)

The Takeaway

What at first seemed like a bad thing ended up becoming a really good thing. It allowed me huge chunks of time to build up my Internet empire and I now feel far less stressed out about going all-in on the digital entrepreneur when I return to Canada than I did a few months ago. It seems like the universe kind of has a way of working everything out.

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