Everything was pretty much normal except for a $150 sponsored blog post that I did over on my other site, My Life! Teaching in a Korean University for a car insurance company offering English service to foreigners.
Sales of my eBooks which came in at an impressive $85.38. February is a slow time for sales of How to Get a University Job in South Korea because all hiring is finished, but in only a few days, The Wealthy English Teacher had an significant number of sales and I priced it at $3.99 so I make a bit more commission on it than the other book.
Check out previous month’s reports:
January 2015 Passive Income Report
December 2014 Passive Income Report
November 2014 Passive Income Report
Compared to previous years:
January 2015: $471.03
Jan. 2014: $178.56
Jan. 2013: $468.71
Jan. 2012: $334.42
Jan. 2011: $144.21
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