For my February report, please see this post.
But, onwards to March. You can see all the details here, but the total minus interest paid to my broker was $466.44 US. The large majority of it was in Dividends, and a big portion of that was NPK (National Presto Industries), which paid a special dividend of over $100.
Compared to previous years:
March 2013: 251.97
March 2012: 455.72
March 2011: 156.86
March 2010: 7.02
Similar to last month, the Squidoo payment was somewhat disappointing, but a large part of that was my lack of effort to maintain my lenses/add news ones. However, I’m hopeful that my Amazon numbers will pick up in the coming months since I went back onto the most popular posts via search on my blog (My Life: Teaching in a Korean University) and added relevant Amazon products.