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The Wealthy English Teacher

The Wealthy English Teacher: Teach, Travel, and Secure Your Financial Future is available on Amazon in both digital and print formats. You DON’T need to have a Kindle to get the digital version, but you can get the app from Amazon and read it on any smartphone, tablet, Mac or PC. If you’re living abroad, teaching English as a Foreign language and want to learn how to pay off debt, get started with investing and achieve financial freedom, then this is the book for you. It’s meant for the total beginner who has no prior knowledge of how to invest in the stock market.

For some more expat investing resources, check out the book’s website: which has plenty of excerpts from the book, some investing tips including my own stock and ETF porfolio, advice on building passive income streams, and finally how to live frugally while teaching overseas. It really is easier than

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